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बम और गोलियों के दम से कार और बाइक पर 6 शूटरों ने उमेश पाल की जान ली, हत्याकांड की पूरी स्टोरी 47 सेकेंड में


प्रयागराज (Prayagraj) में बसपा (BSP) विधायक राजू पाल हत्याकांड (Raju Pal Murder Case) में मुख्य गवाह उमेश पाल (Umesh Pal) की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी गई। एक सीसीटीवी (CCTV) फुटेज से पता चला है कि बदमाशों ने मात्र 47 सेकेंड में उमेश पाल को गोली मारकर मार डाला। फुटेज में दिखाई देता है कि 4 बजकर 56 मिनट 28 सेकंड पर बदमाशों ने पहली गोली दागी और 4 बजकर 57 मिनट और 15 सेकेंड पर उन्होंने वारदात को अंजाम दे दिया। इस घटना में उमेश पाल की गाड़ी के पीछे से ही बदमाशों ने गोलियां चलाई थीं।

सीसीटीवी फुटेज में दिख रहा है कि उमेश 4 बजकर 56 मिनट और 24 सेकेंड पर अपनी सफेद रंग की क्रेटा कार से घर के बाहर पहुंचे। वह पिछली सीट पर बैठे थे, जैसे ही वे गाड़ी से बाहर निकले तो एक बाइक सवार बदमाश वहां आ पहुंचा और उसने पिस्टल तान दी। वह कुछ समझ पाते ही, उससे पहले बदमाश ने गोलियां चलानी शुरू कर दी। पहली गोली लगते ही उमेश जमीन पर गिर गए। तभी दूसरा बदमाश भी आ धमका। इसके बाद उसने भी गोलियां चलानी शुरू कर दी, इस दौरान एक गनर को भी गोली लग गई। गोली लगते ही वह भी जमीन पर गिर गए।

इलाज के दौरान हुई उमेश व गनर की मौत

यह बहुत ही दुखद खबर है कि बदमाशों ने उमेश पाल और उनके सुरक्षाकर्मियों पर इस तरह का हमला किया। विभिन्न मीडिया स्रोतों से मिली जानकारी के अनुसार, उमेश पाल और उनके सुरक्षाकर्मियों को अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है। हमें इस तरह के हिंसात्मक और दुष्ट कार्यों से बचना चाहिए और सुरक्षा को ध्यान में रखना चाहिए। समाज के हर व्यक्ति को इस तरह के हिंसात्मक क्रियाओं से खुद को बचाने के लिए जागरूक होना चाहिए।

यह एक दुखद घटना है जो उमेश पाल और उनके सुरक्षा कर्मियों के साथ हुई है। पुलिस द्वारा इस वारदात की जांच शुरू की गई है और इसमें डॉग स्क्वाड और फॉरेंसिक की टीम भी शामिल है। उमेश पाल के परिजनों ने पूर्व बाहुबली सांसद अतीक अहमद पर हत्या के आरोप लगाए हैं। पुलिस इस मामले की जांच कर रही है और अतीक अहमद तक की जाँच कर रही है। इस घटना से संबंधित नवीनतम खबरों के लिए स्थानीय मीडिया का सहारा लेना उचित होगा।

कचहरी से ही पीछे लग गए थे बदमाश

हाँ, यह वारदात एक तरह से योजनाबद्ध थी जिसमें बदमाशों ने अपनी प्लानिंग बनाकर अंजाम दिया था। उन्होंने यह भी ध्यान में रखा था कि कचहरी के बाहर होने के कारण वहां पुलिस की उपस्थिति ज्यादा होगी जिससे उन्हें अपनी घातक हमले को पूरा करने में मुश्किल न हो। इसलिए, वे उमेश पाल को उनकी कार से उतरते हुए हमला करने का फैसला लिया था। यह एक बहुत ही खतरनाक वारदात थी जिसे बदमाशों ने ठीक तरीके से योजनाबद्ध किया था।

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ICSI CS Professional Exam Result 2022 Announced: Chiraag Agarwal Secures Top Rank @ icsi.edu


The ICSI has announced the CS Professional Exam 2022 results, with Chiraag Agarwal securing the top rank, according to the official website. To check your results, follow the instructions provided on the ICSI website.

Dear candidates, we would like to inform you that the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has officially released the CS Professional Examination Result for the year 2022. If you have taken this exam, you can check your results on the ICSI’s official website, which is icsi.edu. According to the announcement made on the website, Chiraag Agarwal has secured the top rank in the CS Professional Examination. It is worth noting that the CS Executive result for 2022 will also be declared at 2 pm today.


  • Rank 1: Chiraag Agarwal
  • Rank 2: S Swathi
  • Rank 3: Riya Bhagchandani

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to check Result

  1. Go to the official website of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) at icsi.edu(Click here).
  2. Click on the “Result and Download E-Mark Sheet” tab on the homepage.
  3. Select the “Professional” exam option from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter your roll number and other required credentials in the designated fields.
  5. Click on the “Submit” button.
  6. Your ICSI CS Professional Exam Result 2022 will be displayed on the screen.
  7. Check your result and download a copy of the e-mark sheet for future reference.

Note: In case of any discrepancy or technical issue, contact the ICSI helpline number or email ID provided on the official website.

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Supreme Court Defers NEET PG 2023 Hearing, Asks NBE for Solution


On Friday, the Supreme Court requested a response from the National Board of Examinations regarding petitions filed by NEET-PG 2023-24 aspirant doctors seeking a three-month postponement of the exam scheduled for March 3.

The issue will be reviewed by Justice S. Ravindra Bhat and Justice Dipankar Datta on Monday, February 27.

Arguments of the petitioners

Senior Advocate Gopal Sankaranarayanan, representing the petitioners, argued that the National Board of Examinations (NBE) had announced the NEET-PG exam date on January 5, 2023, which did not provide adequate time for aspirants to prepare for the exam.

“When you go for counselling you have to show the completion of internship. So, counselling can only happen after 11.08.2023”, the senior counsel submitted.

In response to a query by the bench, the senior counsel stated that more than 2 lakh candidates have registered for the NEET-PG exam. The bench pointed out that the petitioners’ claim that 45,000 candidates would be affected by the decision constitutes a minority of the total registered candidates. According to the lawyer representing the petitioners, many NEET-PG aspirants have not been able to gain enough practical knowledge during their internship, putting them at a disadvantage. The petitioners argued that since these students are currently working over 12 hours a day during their internship, they do not have enough time for adequate exam preparation.

The bench, however, expressed concern about the distress that postponing the exam might cause to students who have been preparing for it.

“Those who have been preparing for months together, if they are told that they should wait for months….. We are also aware when we postpone..the agony of candidates who have prepared…the whole dynamics changes”, Justice Bhat said.

The senior advocate Mukul Rohatgi, representing the petitioners, argued that the problem has arisen due to the varying internship schedules across different states. He questioned why the exam could not be postponed by a few weeks, especially since counselling cannot take place until after August.

NBE’s response

During the hearing, Additional Solicitor General Aishwarya Bhati, who represented the NBE, told the bench that more than 2.09 lakh candidates have registered for the exam. She also stated that a technology partner has been hired to conduct the exams and if the exam dates are postponed, it may be difficult to find a suitable date as the technology partner may not be available.

The bench clarified that it was not giving any indication of postponing the NEET-PG 2023 exams but rather seeking responses to the concerns raised by the petitioners. The bench also pointed out to the petitioners that they became eligible to take the exams only because of the internship deadline extension granted by the NBE. “In normal course you had to wait for months. Now you have got a chance…and you want to defer the exam”, Justice Bhat commented.

Details of the petitions

The petitioners, represented by Advocate Charu Mathur and Dubey Law Associates, have filed petitions challenging the National Board of Examination’s (NBE) announcement of revised eligibility criteria for NEET-PG 2023 on February 7, 2023. They argue that the announcement was made too late and leaves insufficient time for candidates to prepare for the exam, which is scheduled for March 5, 2023. The petitioners contend that the NBE’s actions are unjust and arbitrary.

The petitioners have alleged that the National Board of Examination (NBE) did not check with all the State Medical Councils regarding one of the most important aspects of eligibility before issuing the notice about the revised eligibility criteria on February 7, 2023. They have also argued that the eligibility criteria has been modified twice by NBE, which shows the oversight and mismanagement on its part of not consulting the state medical bodies in advance, leaving no time for candidates to prepare.

“If NBE had directly released the cut-off date when the information bulletin was released in January 2023, there would have been no issues. How can a candidate who got permission to apply barely 25 days prior to the examination be equal to the candidates who had permission to apply 60 days prior to the examination”, the petitioners argued.

The petition argues that the time gap of five months between the examination date and the counseling date, which cannot begin before the final internship cut-off date of August 11, 2023, would be detrimental to post-resident doctors. According to Clause 4.1 of the Information Bulletin 2023-24, candidates were required to have completed one year of internship or are likely to complete it by March 31, 2023, which was seen as restrictive. Some candidates who would not complete the internship by March 31, 2023, were not aware of their ineligibility until the Bulletin was released on January 7, 2023.

The petition claims that Clause 4.1 made 75% of the candidates ineligible. Ineligible candidates and organizations requested the National Board of Examinations (NBE) to postpone the NEET-PG examination and extend the internship cut-off date to June 30, 2023. However, more than 13,000 candidates remained ineligible, and some of them approached the Madhya Pradesh High Court as the NBE did not respond to their representations. The High Court allowed the petitioners to apply for the NEET-PG 2023 examination, and a similar petition was also permitted. In the interim, the High Court directed the NBE to accept applications without any reference to Clause 4.

On February 7, 2023, the NBE extended the internship cut-off date to August 11, 2023. Within two days, eligible candidates were asked to apply for the NEET-PG 2023 examination. However, these candidates were only given the option to select from cities where centres were available at the time of the previous registration window’s closure on January 27, 2023. Therefore, it is likely that many candidates will not get their preferred centre and will have to travel long distances to take the examination. The petition highlights that if the candidates have to travel outside their city, they will have to take leave from their ongoing internship.

The petitioners have expressed their willingness to appear in the NEET-PG 2023-24 examination but have challenged the NBE’s actions as unjust and arbitrary. The grounds for the challenge are based on the candidates’ suffering due to mismanagement on the part of the NBE, the examination date being released without consulting State Medical bodies, lack of time to prepare for the examination in addition to the already busy internship schedules, inadequate notice regarding eligibility, and the current examination schedule not being conducive to regularizing the examination process as the 2023-24 session cannot commence before August 11, 2023.

The petitioners are seeking to postpone the NEET-PG examination by three months because the counselling process cannot take place before August 11, 2023.

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Punjab PSEB Class 12 English Exam Postponed


The Punjab State Education Board (PSEB) has postponed the Class 12 English exam which was scheduled to take place on February 24 between 2 pm to 5:15 pm, as part of the PSEB Class 12 board exams for 2023.

The PSEB has cited administrative reasons for the cancellation of the exam, and has announced that a new date for the exam will be released by the state board in the near future.

The Punjab board has made changes to the datasheet for both class 10 and 12 board exams. As per the revised datasheet, the class 12 Environmental Education exam, originally scheduled for March 6, has been postponed until April 21.

As per the official notice, class 12 board exams will take place between February 20 and April 20 at 2 pm, while class 10 exams will take place in the morning session between 10 am and 1:15 pm from March 24 to April 20.

CBSE warns of fake website offering Class 10 and 12 sample papers


The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued a warning against a fake website that has been claiming to offer sample papers for Classes 10 and 12 board exams. The website has been circulating on social media platforms and claims to provide solved and unsolved papers for the CBSE board exams.

However, the board has clarified that the website is fraudulent and not associated with CBSE in any way. The board has advised students and parents to be cautious and rely only on official CBSE sources for exam-related information and material.

CBSE issued an urgent notice on February 21 warning students to be cautious about a fake website that claims to provide sample papers for classes 10 and 12 exams. CBSE informed students that the sample papers are readily available on the official website for free.

The Board also stated that certain dishonest individuals have created a link, http://cbse.support/sp, claiming that CBSE has shared 30 sample papers for class 10 and 12 exams, and that the exam papers will be based on those samples. The statement from CBSE further added that the fake website is asking for payment to download these papers.

The board warned all parties to be careful and not to respond to any false messages or website links. CBSE provides sample papers of various subjects for the previous year on its official website, cbse.gov.in, and there is no charge for students or parents to download them.

To access CBSE sample papers, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official website, cbse.gov.in.
  2. Click on the ‘Academic Webpage’ option.
  3. Look for the ‘Sample Question Paper’ option on the homepage.
  4. Select the appropriate class from the dropdown menu.
  5. Choose the year for which you want to access the question paper.
  6. A new page will open with links to the sample question papers for various subjects. Click on the link for the subject you want to access.

Around 3.8 million students participated in the CBSE board exams for both classes 10 and 12, which commenced on February 15 across 7,250 centers. The exams for Class 10, which cover 76 courses, are set to conclude on March 21, while the exams for Class 12, which cover 115 subjects, are scheduled to end on April 5.

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Minimum age for admission in Class 1 to 6 years, The Centre has asked states and UTs


The Department of School Education and Literacy under the Ministry of Education has once again urged all states and Union Territories to follow the National Education Policy’s recommendation to set the minimum age for admission to Class 1 at six years.

The department has sent a letter to the state governments and UT administrations, reminding them of the directions that were previously issued multiple times since the NEP’s launch in 2020.

As per a response provided by the Centre in the Lok Sabha in March 2022, there is a wide variation in the age criteria for admission to Class 1 among different states. Fourteen states and Union Territories allow admission to Class 1 for children who have not yet turned six years old.

For example, in Assam, Gujarat, Puducherry, Telangana, and Ladakh, children who have completed five years of age can be admitted to Class 1. In Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Goa, Jharkhand, Karnataka, and Kerala, the minimum age is five plus.

On February 9th, the Centre sent a new communication to states and Union Territories about the minimum age for admission to Class 1. The Centre has previously pointed out that not adhering to the minimum age specified in the National Education Policy has been affecting the calculation of net enrolment ratios in various states.

The Ministry informed the Lok Sabha on March 28, 2022 that not following the minimum age for admission to Class 1 as per the National Education Policy leads to inaccurate reporting of enrolment of children in age-appropriate classes. This results in incorrect reporting of underage and overage children, which affects net enrolment ratios at the state and national level. It also creates problems for students who want to move between states or take various competitive exams.

The Centre had earlier requested states and Union Territories to prepare a roadmap for a smooth transition towards the new minimum age criteria over the next two-three years. However, there has been little progress made on this front. As a result, the Centre has once again approached state governments on the matter.

The National Education Policy 2020 outlines a 5+3+3+4 school system. The first five years of this system consist of three years of pre-school for children aged three to six years, followed by two years of Classes 1 and 2 for children aged six to eight years.

In 2022, the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, a central government education body, increased the minimum age for admission to Class 1 to six years. The decision was challenged in the Delhi High Court and later in the Supreme Court, but ultimately upheld.

The Right to Education Act 2009 does not include a provision for the minimum age of admission to Class 1. It only mandates free and compulsory education for children between the ages of 6-14 years in a neighborhood school till the completion of elementary education, which is defined as education from the first class to the eighth under the Act. Due to this absence of explicit provision, many are hesitant to adopt the new minimum age criteria for Class 1 admission.

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UGC NET Phase 2 Exam: City Intimation Slip Out, Test to Commence on Feb 28th

Cropped shot of an unrecognizable businesswoman sitting alone and typing on her laptop during the day at home

The UGC NET phase two exam for December 2022 is scheduled to be held on February 28, March 1, and 2. Aspirants who have registered for the exam can now view their allotted exam city details on the official UGC NET website, ugcnet.nta.nic.in.

The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the city intimation slip for the University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test (UGC NET) phase-2 exam of the December 2022 cycle. Those who have registered for the exam can now access their exam city information on the official UGC NET website, ugcnet.nta.nic.in.

The UGC NET Phase 2 Exam City Intimation Slip is a document that informs candidates about the city where they will be taking the exam, as well as the date, shift, and venue of the exam. The National Testing Agency (NTA) releases the city intimation slip on the official UGC NET website for registered candidates.

To download the UGC NET Phase 2 Exam City Intimation Slip, candidates need to log in to the official website using their application number and date of birth. Once logged in, they can check their allotted exam city details and download the city intimation slip for future reference.

It is important for candidates to check the details mentioned in the city intimation slip carefully and ensure that they report to the exam center on the correct date and time mentioned in the slip. Candidates must also carry a printout of the city intimation slip along with a valid photo ID to the exam center on the day of the exam.

To check the UGC NET phase 2 city intimation slip, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official UGC NET website: ugcnet.nta.nic.in.
  2. Click on the “UGC NET Phase 2 city intimation slip” link on the homepage.
  3. On the login page, enter your application number and date of birth in the appropriate fields.
  4. Click on the “Submit” button.
  5. Your city intimation slip will be displayed on the screen.
  6. Check the details of your exam city, date, and time carefully.
  7. Download and take a printout of the slip for future reference.

Please note that the city intimation slip will only be available for candidates who have successfully registered for the UGC NET Phase 2 exam.

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“Delhi Bans Ola, Uber, and Rapido Bike Taxi Services Over Safety Concerns”


New Delhi:- The announcement from the Delhi transport department makes it evident that the prohibition on bike taxis will be enforced immediately. According to the government notice, if bike taxi services offered by companies like Ola, Uber, and Rapido persist in Delhi, a penalty will be imposed.

The Delhi government has enforced a sudden ban on bike taxis, which will have an impact on popular ride-hailing services such as Ola, Uber, and Rapido in the city. The decision was announced by the Delhi transport department in a notice, which cited the use of non-transport registered two-wheelers to transport passengers, thereby violating the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988. This prohibition also affects many customers who depend on these bike-sharing services, particularly due to the high fares of traditional cabs. Furthermore, some prefer bike taxis as they are more maneuverable in the congested traffic of Delhi.

Despite the prohibition, some applications are still providing bike taxi services. The ride-hailing companies, including Ola, Uber, and Rapido, have yet to issue an official response. Here are five pieces of information that we currently have about the situation.

The Delhi transport department’s notification states that the restriction on bike taxi services will take effect immediately. The notice warns that if Ola, Uber, and Rapido riders or any other service providers continue to offer bike taxi services in Delhi, a penalty of Rs 5,000 will be imposed. If the offense is repeated or committed multiple times, the fine for subsequent violations will increase to Rs 10,000 along with the possibility of imprisonment.

As per The Indian Express report, the Delhi traffic police department is already inspecting motorcycles affiliated with Ola, Uber, and Rapido to ensure compliance with the newly imposed ban. In addition to a fine, if a driver repeats the offense, their driving license will be suspended for a minimum of three years. The Delhi government’s decision follows a similar ban on Rapido services in Maharashtra by the Supreme Court. Two-wheeler taxi services also suffer from a significant issue, namely the lack of proper emergency buttons, which poses a risk to the safety of women passengers.

Currently, Uber and Ola users in Delhi still have the option to book bike taxis despite the ban. However, this may change once the companies update their apps and make necessary adjustments until the rules change. An official stated to The Indian Express that, based on current regulations, taxi services involve a driver and multiple passengers. Consequently, only four-wheelers, auto-rickshaws, and e-rickshaws are permitted to operate, but not motorcycles. To run cab services, there are specific guidelines and requirements that must be met, including obtaining a registration mark, yellow number plates, PSV badge issued after police verification, and drivers who undergo behavioral training sessions.

As of now, Ola, Uber, and Rapido have not issued any official statements in response to the new ban. Delhi’s MLA and transport minister, Kailash Gahlot, shared news of the notification on Twitter, highlighting the upcoming Aggregator policy for 2-wheelers, 3-wheelers, and 4-wheelers. The policy is said to be in its final stages and will be launched soon, helping service providers apply for licenses under the new regulations.

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“UPSC Civil Services Exam 2023: Last Day to Register!”


New Delhi:- The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will be ending the registration period for the Civil Services Examination (CSE) 2023 on February 21 at 6 pm. Eligible candidates can still apply for the exam on the official website, upsc.gov.in. The commission has announced that the UPSC IAS prelims exam 2023 will be held on May 28. The notification has disclosed a total of 1,105 vacancies for Civil Services. In case of any errors in the application form, aspirants will have a seven-day window from February 22 to 28 to make corrections. It is also important to note that the registration for the UPSC Indian Forest Service (IFS) will close along with Civil Services.

“Eligible candidates can apply for UPSC CSE 2023 until 6 pm on upsc.gov.in.”

Here are some key highlights of the UPSC Civil Services exam 2023:

  1. The exam will be conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).
  2. The notification for the exam was released with a total of 1,105 vacancies.
  3. The last date to register for the exam was February 21, 2023.
  4. The exam will be held in three stages: Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and Interview.
  5. The Preliminary Exam for the UPSC Civil Services Exam 2023 will take place on May 28, 2023.
  6. The exam will cover topics such as General Studies, Optional Subjects, and Current Affairs.
  7. Aspirants can make corrections to their application form within a seven-day window from February 22 to 28.
  8. The results of the exam will be announced on the official website of UPSC.
  9. Those who qualify the exam will be recruited for various posts in Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and other allied services.

Information about the fees

  1. Application fee: Rs. 100 for General and OBC candidates, no fee for SC, ST, PwBD, and female candidates.
  2. Fee payment modes: Online and offline.
  3. Offline fee payment: Candidates can deposit the fee at any SBI branch.
  4. Non-refundable and non-transferable under any circumstances.

To apply online UPSC IAS prelims exam 2023, follow the below steps:-

  1. Visit the official website of UPSC, upsc.gov.in.
  2. Click on the “UPSC Civil Services Examination 2023” link.
  3. On the new page, click on the “Apply Online” link for the UPSC IAS prelims exam 2023.
  4. Fill in the application form with the required personal and educational details.
  5. Upload the scanned copies of your photograph and signature in the specified format and size.
  6. Pay the application fee (if applicable) through the provided payment modes.
  7. Review the filled-in application form and submit it.
  8. Take a printout of the application form for future reference.

Note that the registration window for the UPSC Civil Services Exam 2023 has a specific period, so be sure to check the official website for the exact dates and deadlines.

The UPSC will issue the e-admit card for the UPSC CSE 2023 exam three weeks before the test. To download the admit card, candidates must use their login details on the official website of the UPSC Civil Services Exam.

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The CBSE Board Exams 2023 feature paper analysis for Class 10th French and Class 12th Hindi.


The CBSE Board Exams 2023 included the French exam for class 10 and Hindi (Core) exam for class 12, which were conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education today. According to students who appeared for the French paper, the difficulty level of the question paper was moderate, and most of the questions were direct and simple. The paper consisted of open-ended short-answer and long-answer-type questions, and was not too long, giving students ample time to attempt it. Candidates who had practiced the sample papers and previous year’s question papers beforehand were able to manage their time better, according to Ms. Anu Aggarwal, TGT French, DPS Raj Nagar Extension. Ms. Megha, TGT French at Pacific World School, stated that the paper was quite easy, with most questions being direct, and the reading passages having an easy language with direct questions. The writing and grammar section aimed to test the basic grammatical knowledge of students, and the Culture and Civilisation section was common for all students, as the questions were thoroughly practiced. Overall, the students were happy with the paper

n the class 12 Hindi (Core) paper, the students encountered an unread/unseen passage based on a problem, an unread poem, questions on expression and medium, and questions from lessons. The paper also assessed the creative writing abilities of students, with sections on reading passages, poetry, and prose. There were around 13 questions in total, and according to Shyam Jee, PGT Hindi at Orchids International School, Sonipat, question 9 was the toughest. However, he mentioned that almost 95% of the paper was easy and brought out the creative and imaginative skills of the students, and was suitable for the all-round development of the students. Ashok Kumar, PGT Hindi at KV no. 2, Delhi Cantt, found the Hindi (Core) paper to be balanced, neither too difficult nor too easy. He explained that as the students were giving the board exam after a gap of two years, a tougher paper would have been a problem for them, and at the same time, a simpler paper would have reduced its standard. However, some students found it to be a lengthy paper, and one of the reasons for it could be the lack of writing practice due to Covid.

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