Masturbating Incident Delhi Metro On Friday, the Delhi Police registered a case related to a viral video that allegedly shows a man masturbating on a Delhi Metro train. This came hours after Swati Maliwal, the chief of the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW), issued a notice to the police regarding the “disgusting and sickening” incident. The video, which has been circulating on social media, shows a man engaged in the act in a crowded metro train. The incident has sparked outrage and raised concerns about the safety of women and commuters on public transport in the city.
A disturbing video of a man allegedly masturbating on the Delhi Metro has gone viral on social media. The video shows the man, who was watching something on his mobile phone, engaging in the act while fellow commuters around him appear uncomfortable and attempt to move away. The incident was captured by another commuter who did not intervene to stop the perpetrator.
Swati Maliwal has issued a notice to the Delhi Police and Delhi Metro, calling for strict action to be taken against the perpetrator of the “shameful act” captured in a viral video of a man allegedly masturbating on the Delhi Metro.
DCW Chief Swati Maliwal expressed her disgust over a viral video of a man masturbating on the Delhi Metro and tweeted that she has issued a notice to the Delhi Police and Delhi Metro to take strict action against the perpetrator. The video, which has gone viral on social media, shows a man allegedly masturbating on the Delhi Metro while other commuters around him are visibly uncomfortable and moving away. The incident was captured on video by another commuter, who did not intervene to stop the perpetrator.
The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) has requested a copy of the First Information Report (FIR) filed regarding the incident and a comprehensive report on the action taken by May 1.
Police Action Taken
According to a senior police officer, the police have taken suo motu action and registered a case under section 294 of the IPC, which deals with obscene acts and songs. The investigation into the matter is currently underway.
The DCW chief, Swati Maliwal Said
The DCW chief, Swati Maliwal, added that with more and more such incidents coming to light in the Delhi Metro, it is crucial that exemplary action is taken against such individuals to ensure the safety of women in the metro.
DMRC responded to the incident by tweeting
a request to commuters to behave responsibly while traveling on the Metro and to immediately report any objectionable behavior to the DMRC Helpline. The DMRC also announced that it will increase the deployment of flying squads comprised of Metro and security staff to monitor such behavior and take necessary action under relevant provisions of law.
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