The Delhi Police has released the admit card for the post of AWO/TPO on their official website. Candidates preparing for the exam can now download their admit cards from
The PST/PET examination for the Assistant Wireless Operator/Tele-Printer Operator post in Delhi Police is scheduled to take place from March 28, 2023, to April 11, 2023.
To download the Delhi Police hall ticket, please follow these steps:
- Visit the official website of Delhi Police at
- Click on the “Recruitment” tab on the homepage.
- Select the appropriate link for the exam you have applied for, i.e., Assistant Wireless Operator/Tele-Printer Operator.
- Enter the required details such as your registration number, date of birth, and password.
- Verify the details and click on the “Submit” button.
- Your Delhi Police hall ticket will be displayed on the screen.
- Download and take a printout of the hall ticket for future reference.
Please note that the hall ticket is a crucial document, and you must carry it with you to the exam center on the day of the exam.
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