The BJP on Thursday attributed the party‘s “historic” victory in Gujarat meeting polls to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s credibility and people’s agree with in his leadership. The party is set for a landslide victory in Gujarat to retain power for a seventh straight term by winning more seats than in any assembly election in the state. The BJP has gained or changed into main in 157 seats with inside the 182-member kingdom meeting. The Congress party celebration changed into a far off second – it had gained 6 seats and changed into main in 10 others, at the same time as the Aam Aadmi Party changed into main in five seats. Meanwhile, the Congress wrested Himachal Pradesh from the BJP because it crossed the bulk mark of 35 seats with inside the 68-member Assembly with inside the hill kingdom which maintained its culture of now no longer vote casting any incumbent authorities to energy on account that 1985. In the modern-day effects and developments available, the Congress gained 39 seats and changed into main in 1, at the same time as BJP registered a win on 18 seats and changed into main in seven others. Three Independents additionally emerged victorious. Aam Aadmi Party, which had contested on sixty seven seats, did not open its account. Prime Minister Narendra Modi thanked electorate of the hill kingdom for his or her affection and assist to the BJP and stated his party will maintain running to fulfill the aspirations of the kingdom and lift people’s issues.
Gujarat, Himanchal Parliament Election Results Live Update: After his BJP’s record victory in Gujarat, PM Modi said he was overwhelmed with many emotions