According to the Union Health Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya’s official Twitter handle, the result for NEET-PG 2023 was announced on Tuesday. The exam was conducted by the National Board of Exams in Medical Sciences (NBEMS), and approximately 2.9 lakh students registered for the NEET PG examination.
The candidates can check their results by visiting the official website of the National Board of Exams. The link to the official website is- The candidates can also download their individual scorecards from the official website on or after March 25, 2023.
How you can check your results NEET-PG 2023 Result
here’s a step-by-step guide on how to check your NEET-PG 2023 result:
Step 1: Visit the official website of the National Board of Exams at Step 2: Click on the link for the NEET-PG 2023 result. Step 3: Enter your login credentials such as your roll number and password. Step 4: Click on the ‘Submit’ button. Step 5: Your NEET-PG 2023 result will be displayed on the screen. Step 6: Check and verify your result. Step 7: Download and take a printout of your result for future reference.
Note: The candidates can also download their individual scorecards from the official website on or after March 25, 2023.