Warda Sikander, the bride, recently shared a hilarious video of her brother’s ‘joota heist’ on Instagram. In the video, the brother can be seen sporting red overalls and the famous Salvador Dali mask, reminiscent of the hit Netflix series “Money Heist.” The amusing clip has since gone viral, garnering widespread attention and appreciation on social media.
Desi weddings are known for their fun and memorable rituals, including pranks and the famous ‘joota chhupai’ tradition, which bring families and friends closer together and create lasting memories.
At a Pakistani wedding, the bride’s brother stole the groom’s shoes in style during the ‘joota chhupai’ ritual. He was dressed in red overalls and the iconic Salvador Dali mask, as seen in a viral video shared on Instagram. He even danced to a desi version of Bella Ciao, adding to the fun and amusing atmosphere of the wedding.
The bride and her sister came up with the ‘joota heist’ idea for their wedding, and their brother donned a Money Heist costume from Amazon for the occasion. A cousin rehearsed the act, and the entire segment was a hit with the wedding guests, according to the Instagram caption.
The video of the ‘joota heist’ has gone viral, with over 2.7 million views and numerous reactions on Instagram. Users were delighted by the unique concept, and many expressed a desire to try the ritual in a Money Heist style themselves.
More to follow…………….Ankhon Dekhi News
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